Student Loan Debt

Resources to help lower—or even eliminate—your student loan debt


Student Loan Debt Navigator- Woman Holding Tablet

Our student debt relief tool could save you thousands

Members qualify for one year of no-cost premium access to the NEA Student Debt Navigator.



NEA members have reduced their student loans by an average of $34,344

Whether through forgiveness, cancellation or consolidation, there are legitimate ways to ease the burden of your student loan debt—and you don’t have to go it alone. Here’s one NEA member’s story about how the teacher loan forgiveness tool helped him.

How much can you shave off your student loans?

Thomas J. Bugos II, a Seminole Education Association (SEA) member in Florida, tried out the NEA Student Debt Navigator and realized he could dramatically shrink his $32,000-plus in student loans. “I am ecstatic at how much I can save!”


NEA Member Benefits - Scholarship Giveaway: Graphic showing graduation cap on top of money

Enter the $1,000 Scholarship Giveaway!

NEA Member Benefits has teamed up with College Ave to offer NEA members a chance to win $1,000 cash!


Student loan resources for NEA members


NEA Student Loan Forgiveness Navigator - College Students

Enroll in programs that can help ease your student loan debt stress

The NEA Student Debt Navigator can find information about any forgiveness or cancellation programs you qualify for, along with how much you can save.
NEA Student Loan Refinance Program - Young Woman Looking at Paperwork

Do you have higher-interest private student loans?

If you have private loans that don't qualify for federal forgiveness or income-based programs, the NEA Student Loan Refinance Program could help you lower the interest rate or monthly payments.
Paying for College - Young Woman Calculating Her Bills on Her Laptop

Calculate how much you could save

You could save by refinancing your private student loans to a lower rate and term. Use this calculator to see if refinancing is right for you.